18 Causes Of Foot Pain That Cannot Be Walked Off

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 2. Plantar Fasciitis

Medical News Today

Plantar fasciitis is a common and painful foot problem that occurs when the plantar fascia – the long and thin ligament which lies directly beneath the skin on the bottom of the foot – becomes irritated and inflamed. Experts explain that because the force on one’s foot tends to be around 120% of your body weight, the plantar fascia takes a beating, more so in middle aged adults since kids heal so quickly and older adults are not as active. The pain tends to be dull at times and sharp in others, and depending on the use of the ligament, it usually needs treatment. For some cases, anti-inflammatory medications, daily stretching, and ice therapy can help lessen the pain, but others may require physical therapy, orthotics, corticosteroid injections or surgery, depending on how bad the case may be.