16 Common Digestive Disorders And Diseases

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13. Acute and Chronic Pancreatitis


The pancreas happens to be an organ located within the abdomen, and it plays a key role in converting the food we eat into the fuel we need to feed the body’s cells. Two of its main functions is to help in digestion and regulate blood sugar. Pancreatitis is a condition that causes inflammation of the pancreas due to the pancreatic enzymes damaging the pancreatic tissue. It can also be acute, meaning it’s an active form where symptoms come on suddenly, usually accompanied by extreme stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, fever, tender and swollen abdomen, and pain that gets worse after eating, just to name a few. As for chronic pancreatitis, it’s a long-lasting condition that comes from repeated damage to the pancreas, not from acute inflammation, with very similar symptoms, as well as excessive thirst, fatigue, and changes in skin color, oily stools and some others. Some causes of both types of pancreatitis include reactions to certain medications, complications from infections or surgery, injury to the abdomen, as well as pancreatic cancer, but regardless of causes, pancreatitis should always be checked by a doctor to properly diagnose and find treatment for either type because when left untreated, both can be fatal.