16 Common Digestive Disorders And Diseases

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14. Diverticula Disease


Diverticular disease actually includes two different conditions. One is diverticulosis, which is when small pouches form in the wall of the colon, while the second is diverticulitis, when the pouches become inflamed, mostly in the lower portion of the large intestine. Some symptoms include extreme abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, fever, bloating, abdominal tenderness, constipation, and sometimes, diarrhea. Over 30% of people between the ages of 50 to 59 years suffer from diverticulosis, while 5% of that number eventually develop diverticulitis. Most mild cases of diverticulitis can be treated via dietary changes, antibiotics and rest. But more severe cases, especially for recurring cases, may require surgery to properly treat the issue.