16 Common Digestive Disorders And Diseases

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 16. Liver Disease

Kauvery Hospital

Liver disease is an umbrella term that covers a variety of medical conditions including Hepatitis A, B and C, autoimmune hepatitis, fatty liver disease, hemochromatosis, Wilson disease, liver cancer, and many other issues. It’s causes are also numerous, induced by many health issues such as an infection, obesity, alcohol abuse, inherited conditions, and others. The liver is considered the second-largest organ and it’s the key organ when it comes to separating nutrients and waste as they move through the digestive system. It also produces bile, which is a substance that works to carry out any toxins from the body while helping with digestion. Liver disease affects around 1 in every 10 Americans, which is about 30 million in total. When left untreated, liver disease is often painful, debilitating and in many cases, fatal.
If you believe that you suffer from any of these of digestive conditions or diseases, make an appointment with your doctor immediately to get examined for a proper diagnosis and if needed, the right treatment course to take.