16 Common Digestive Disorders And Diseases

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2. Stomach Flu or Gastroenteritis


Gastroenteritis, which is often referred to as stomach flu, is an inflammation of the stomach, and small and large intestines of the body. Although the generic name includes the word flu, it doesn’t actually have anything to do with the flu virus. There are a number of other viruses that cause stomach flu, which include noroviruses, rotaviruses, sapoviruses, adenoviruses, and astroviruses. While they may vary in name and description, most of these cause the same symptoms, like stomach pain, cramping, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. In the United States alone, viral gastroenteritis from norovirus, which is the most common in stomach flu cases, affects between 19 to 21 million people every year. Although most cases clear up on their own, patients need to watch out for dehydration during times of extreme fluid loss.