12 Common Signs And Symptoms Of Fibromyalgia

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13. When To See a Doctor

Penn Medicine

There are a few other less common or unusual signs of fibromyalgia such as bladder pain, excess sweating, sensitivity to light, noise or temperature, just to name a few, but they are not as widespread among patients as the first twelve symptoms we just mentioned. But considering that it takes a few years and a battery of tests to diagnose fibromyalgia, it’s important to take note of your body and the different sensations you may be feeling at all times. Regardless of having just one or two symptoms, or most of the ones on this list, it’s always important to consult a doctor or medical professional whenever something is amiss. Like with any other sickness, disease or health issue, the faster you seek medical attention and get the treatment that you need, the quicker you can get yourself back to a better and healthier lifestyle.