15 Foods That Trigger Heartburn To Better Control Acid Reflux

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14. Candy

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Candy may be one of the biggest money earning industries with the United States with an estimated $290.7 billion in revenue by the year 2028, but it’s also one of the worst trigger foods when it comes to acid reflux. Sugar is the main culprit in candy when it comes to acid reflux, but other additives such as vitamin C and other sugar alcohols used for flavor and preservatives may also make candy extra acidic. While natural sugars may be okay, if you’re prone to acid reflux issues, be sure to watch for symptoms of reflux or GERD when consuming them as they may still be a trigger food for you. In addition, lessening candy and artificial sugar intake is always the better choice since consuming too much may lead to diabetes, high blood pressure, and fatty liver disease, and stroke.