18 Foods To Eat To Help Manage Diabetes

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8. Nuts

Diabetes Self Management

Founder of Eat Well to Be Well, located in Osage City, Kansa, Cheryl Mussatto RD, shared that “Nuts are a super snack for people with diabetes because they’re the total package – low in carbs and high in protein, fiber, and healthy fat – and they create a feeling of fullness.” Nuts are both nutritious and delicious, while also being low in net carbs and high in fiber. When it comes to diabetes, a study done in 2019 that involved over 16,000 participants with type 2 diabetes found that eating tree nuts – like almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, and pistachios – reduced their risk of heart disease and death. More research also found that nuts can improve blood glucose levels too, making them a great addition to a well-balanced meal.