14 Health Signs That You May Have A Parasite

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12. Sleep Disturbances

Indian Express

A lack of sleep puts someone at a higher risk of infection since it weakens one’s immunity. In fact, a lack of sleep has been found to raise the number of people infected with the common cold. And in the same way, sleep issues may also cause people to be more susceptible to other health conditions and infections, such as those that come from parasites. But parasite infections may also cause disturbances with one’s sleep, leading to insomnia, irritability and daytime sleepiness. One main reason for this is because parasites depend on their host to get their food and energy, and more often than not, they are most awake and active in the middle of the night when their host is supposed to be asleep, which activates the immune system and causes people to wake up. If you having trouble sleeping, alongside other signs on this list, talk to you doctor about possibly having a parasite infection.