10 Magnesium-Heavy Foods That You Should Be Consuming Every Day

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2. Dark Chocolate


Although it may seem a bit hard to believe, dark chocolate is actually a rich source of magnesium. 1-ounce, which is 28 grams, has 64 mg of magnesium, which translates to 16% of the RDI. It also happens to be quite high in iron, manganese, copper, and has prebiotic fiber that helps feed your healthy gut bacteria.
In addition, it also has tons of antioxidants, which are nutrients that work to neutralize free radicals. These are harmful molecules that can damage the body’s cells and lead to unwanted disease. Because dark chocolate has flavanols, it can also be quite beneficial for heart health since it aids in the prevention of “bad” cholesterol, known as LDL, from oxidizing and sticking to the cells that line the heart’s arteries. Just make sure that when you are choosing dark chocolate, pick the ones that contain at least 70% cocoa solids or higher to get the most health benefits.