10 Magnesium-Heavy Foods That You Should Be Consuming Every Day

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4. Whole Grains

William Reed

Whole grains include oats, barley, and wheat, and also psuedocereals, such as quinoa and buckwheat. They are also good sources of a number of nutrients, such as magnesium. One 28-gram serving, or single ounce of dry buckwheat has 65 mg of magnesium, which is 16% of your recommended daily intake. A number of whole grains are also rich in selenium, fiber, manganese, and the B vitamins.
In a number of controlled studies, whole grains have also shown to help reduce inflammation and decrease the risk of heart disease. In addition, pseudocereals such as quinoa and buckwheat are even higher in protein and antioxidants than the usual grains like wheat and corn. Plus, they’re gluten-free, which means people that have celiac disease or a gluten sensitivity can eat them without worrying about any health issues as well.