10 Warning Signs Of Pancreatitis

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The pancreas plays quite a vital role when it comes to digestion. Located within the upper abdomen, this long and flat gland – which is about the size of your hand – sits behind the stomach. As you digest your food, the pancreas produce pancreatic juices called enzymes, and these are in charge of breaking down sugars, fats, and starches, while also making hormones which travel through the bloodstream. They also aid in regulating your blood sugar levels and appetite, while stimulating the stomach acids and alerting you when it’s time to empty your stomach.
Pancreatitis is a disease that causes the organ to become inflamed. Usually it is considered acute pancreatitis when it comes on quite suddenly while lasting for a few days. But when it occurs over a number of years, it can be considered chronic pancreatitis. While some cases of pancreatitis are mild enough to be handled with treatment and medication, other times it can be considered severe, sometimes causing certain life-threatening complications.
Depending on what kind of pancreatitis you may be experiencing, whether acute or chronic, warning signs and symptoms may be different for some individuals.
Here are 10 warning signs of pancreatitis you should look out for.

1. Upper Abdominal Pain

One of the most common signs of pancreatitis is upper abdominal pain. The pain is usually felt in the tummy, normally just below the ribs, and can build up in intensity over a few hours, while even lasting for a number of days. The pain come be sudden and extreme or it can start off as a mild pain that continually gets worse.