13 Ways To Manage High Blood Pressure

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8. Get Better Sleep


According to the National Sleep Foundation guidelines, they advise that ‘healthy adults need between 7 and 9 hours of sleep per night.’ The reason why this is important to your blood pressure is because it normally lowers as you sleep. When you don’t sleep well, there’s a possibility that it can affect your blood pressure. People that experience sleep deprivation, more so when they are middle-aged, may have an increased risk of high blood pressure. According to the 2010 national Sleep Heart Health Study, ‘regularly sleeping fewer than 7 hours at night and more than 9 hours a night was associated with an increased rate of high blood pressure.’ Some tips to get better sleep is to cut back on caffeine, cut back on screentime at least one hour before bed, set a regular sleep and wakeup schedule, and try to avoid daytime napping.