13 Ways To Manage High Blood Pressure

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9. Reduce Your Stress


Stress is the way we feel or react when we are under pressure or feeling threatened. And whether people understand it or not, stress plays a key role in our overall health. When it comes to blood pressure, chronic stress – which is stress that lasts for a long time or keeps coming back – is often a major contributor to hypertension. Acute or occasional stress may also contribute to high blood pressure, such as the way you may react to eating unhealthy food, smoking, or drinking alcohol. It’s important to understand what could be causing stress in the first place so that you can figure out ways to reduce or eliminate stress when possible. Although it’s almost impossible to remove stress completely, there are ways that can help lessen times or moments of feeling stressed. Some other tips are to try to avoid doing too much and managing expectations throughout the day, avoiding stress triggers like bad traffic or people that make you feel stressed, or doing a relaxing activity such as meditation or participating in other activities that you like.