15 Ways Your Eyes May Reflect Your Overall Health

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 15. Recurring Stye


A stye is a red and usually very painful lump near the edge of the eyelid that looks like a pimple or a boil. It is normally filled with pus that eventually disappears after a few days. But if you notice that you get styes that are often recurring or refuse to go away, this could actually mean that you have a rare form of cancer known as sebaceous gland carcinoma. This is considered a very rare form of cancer that starts in the oil gland of the skin and usually affects the eyelids. Having recuring styes doesn’t automatically mean you have cancer, but rather need to up your hygiene practices to keep your eye glands clean and infection-free.
If you notice any changes in your eyes or vision, whether it was discussed in this article or not, you should make an appointment with your doctor to discuss any symptoms you may be experiencing or noticing. The earlier you find out what is causing these changes or issues, the better your chances are at treating it and getting better. Getting the proper medical diagnosis and treatment is always the best way to deal with any type of medical issue or condition.