{"id":117,"date":"2022-02-09T03:28:46","date_gmt":"2022-02-09T08:28:46","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/health.awesomejelly.com\/?p=117"},"modified":"2022-02-09T03:28:46","modified_gmt":"2022-02-09T08:28:46","slug":"foods-you-should-avoid-if-you-have-diabetes-t2","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/health.awesomejelly.com\/foods-you-should-avoid-if-you-have-diabetes-t2\/","title":{"rendered":"18 Foods You Should Avoid If You Have Diabetes"},"content":{"rendered":"

Built Lean<\/p><\/div>\n

If you are living with diabetes, which is a disease \u2018that causes higher than normal blood sugar levels,\u2019 then you know that particular foods can be problematic for your condition and are considered no-no\u2019s. Many times, people don\u2019t realize how serious diabetes can be and how important a strict and proper diet is for those living with this disease. The reason why certain foods cannot be eaten by diabetics is because they lack the ability to create or react properly to insulin. And when this happens, they cannot digest the food and make it into workable energy, or glucose, so it ends up raising blood sugar levels instead. People need carbohydrates, which is a macronutrient that includes sugar, starches and fiber, in order to make energy to fuel their activities. But with diabetes, when too many carbs are consumed, the body is unable to make enough insulin to breakdown these carbs enough, ending up in a rise in blood sugar levels.<\/h6>\n
According to certified diabetes educator and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Diabetes, Vendana Sheth, RD, \u201cNo food needs to be completely banned from your diet. However, some foods make it easier to manage your diabetes compared to others.\u201d And while patients dealing with either Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes react differently to their carb intake, there are still some common types of food that all diabetics should avoid, if not completely remove from their diet, depending on how serious their case is.<\/h6>\n
Here are 18 types of food to avoid if you have diabetes.<\/strong><\/h6>\n

1. Bagels, Breads and Donuts<\/h2>\n

Being a diabetic takes a lot of work, especially if you are already insulin dependent. But even if you are only required to take medication to handle it, you still need to watch what you put in your mouth. While sugar can honestly put a diabetic\u2019s life at risk, carbohydrates can be the true culprit. According to a certified diabetes educator for the Center for Diabetes and Endocrinology at the University of Maryland, Angela Ginn-Meadow, \u201cIf you\u2019re going out to eat, the bread basket should go right back to the kitchen.\u201d That\u2019s because all these processed types of bread have way more carbs than a diabetic\u2019s body can handle, which will wreak major havoc on your blood sugar. So the next time you find yourself looking for a piece of bread, opt for keto bread if available, since they are usually low carb and contain zero amounts of refined sugar.

2. Sodas<\/h2>\n

New York Post<\/p><\/div>\n

Many people know that a single 12-oz can of soda has a crazy amount of sugar, 39 grams to be exact. This one drink already contains more sugar in a single serving than a person should have in an entire day. Statistics even show that there is a big link between soda and diabetes, even when the drink is a \u201csugar free\u201d one. More often than not, soft drinks will leave you feeling satisfied for a bit, but they\u2019ll also have you craving more sweet things later on. Most doctors dealing with diabetics will tell their patients to give up soda completely because they have zero nutritional value anyway, and because most people tend to guzzle a can or two in just one sitting, plus it can make your blood sugar spike very quickly. Always be sure to check the labels first before drinking one down. That way, you\u2019ll know that you\u2019re not wasting your small allowance of carbohydrates for the day on useless ones.

3. Fruit Juice<\/h2>\n


Just because the label shows fruit on it doesn\u2019t make it healthy. According to Ginn-Meadow once again, \u201cAs much as we think of fruit juice as healthy, they are primarily sugar.\u201d Just one look at the label and you\u2019ll see that most fruit juices contain as much as 33 grams of sugar per serving! It\u2019s safe to say that that\u2019s just way too much for a single glass of juice, especially when you believe that you are starting your day off with some healthy OJ. If you really enjoy having fruit juice, a better option would be to just have the real fruit on its own, or get a juicer and make it fresh without including additives. Just make sure that you also double check what fruit you can have, as many fresh fruits are also high in natural sugars as well.

4. Sweet Baked Goods<\/h2>\n


Unless you\u2019re a major health nut that strictly watches their diet, having dessert after a meal tends to be the norm. And while this isn\u2019t a problem for people that aren\u2019t dealing with diabetes, when you are, these are all on the restricted list. Believe us, we understand how hard it is considering that most of these treats are made with the most delectable chocolate, frosting, whipped cream and all that other yummy stuff. But since they are also made with tons of refined grains, this means that their carb content will be extra high too.

5. Breakfast Cereals<\/h2>\n

Business Insider<\/p><\/div>\n

Although cereal has been around for centuries, the breakfast cereals that most of us grew up with are not only full of sugar, but have tons of carbohydrates too. Another certified educator and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Vandana Sheth, RD, shares that, \u201cBreakfast cereals can be high in carbs, added sugars, and low in protein and fiber. Carbs, especially from refined grains, will naturally cause a spike in blood sugar.\u201d Some of the most unhealthy ones are Twix, Fruity Pebbles, Reese\u2019s Puffs and Lucky Charms, which tops the list with all those tiny and sugar-filled marshmallows. And another downfall is that for the most part, these cereals don\u2019t have enough fiber to keep you feeling full until lunch, which will probably have you snacking on something else, causing you to over eat throughout the day too.

6. French Fries<\/h2>\n

The Daily Meal<\/p><\/div>\n

Who doesn\u2019t love French fries? Made from potatoes, which are already a huge source of carbohydrates, the fact that they are deep fried adds to how unhealthy they are for diabetics. A single serving of fries from popular fast food restaurants can contain up to 44 grams of carbs, way more than what one person should consume in a day, and more so in a single side order. If you love fries that much, then opt to make a homemade version using sweet potatoes, or possibly just have a baked potato instead. They might not be as satisfying for a true fry-lover, but if that fry-lover happens to be a diabetic, finding other options should really be the only choice they make.

7. Other Fried Foods<\/h2>\n

Graphics 8<\/p><\/div>\n

We know we already mentioned French fries, but honestly, any type of fried food is basically considered unhealthy. No matter what you\u2019ve chosen to fry, it changes that food\u2019s composition. A study was even made that proved that there was a link between fried food and a \u2018significant increased risk of type 2 diabetes and a moderately increased risk of coronary artery disease.\u2019 Not only should diabetics stay away from fried food, but they should never order any in a restaurant since most of them use the cheapest oils to fry with. Do yourself a favor and opt to try a healthier method to lessen all that added fat to your diet. And if you really can\u2019t help but fry, then buy an air fryer and use that. It\u2019s definitely the lesser of two evils.

8. Fruit Flavored Yogurts<\/h2>\n

The List<\/p><\/div>\n

We\u2019re not debunking the myth that yogurt is healthy. It actually has a number of benefits like improving one\u2019s complexion, preventing hypertension, aiding in digestion and lowering the risks of diabetes and colorectal cancer, amongst other things. But before you start shoving some into your mouth at a rapid rate, knowing what yogurt to eat \u2013 especially if you have diabetes \u2013 is very important to your blood sugar levels. Avoid eating any of the yogurt cups that have fruit-on-the-bottom as an added bonus since those ones \u2018may have as much as 40 to 47g sugar per cup,\u2019 which can cause serious sugar spikes, especially for those who are diabetic.

9. Natural Sweeteners<\/h2>\n


For patients that have diabetes, more so those that are insulin dependent, they are advised to stay away from refined or white sugar. This then causes them to search for \u201cnatural\u201d sweetener alternatives like honey, agave nectar and even maple syrup. But what they might not realize is that some of these sweeteners are amazingly high in carbohydrates as well. According to Sheth, \u201cHowever, it\u2019s important to recognize that these also contain carbs, and sometimes even more than sugar.\u201d She went on to explain, \u201cEven though natural sweeteners may not be as processed as white sugar, they may still have a similar effect on blood sugar.\u201d Be sure to discuss with your doctor what the best options are if you want to use sweeteners. Thankfully, there are a number of other types of artificial sugars that you can use when needed.

10. Candy<\/h2>\n


Everyone knows that candy is a large source of unnecessary sugars, and not just diabetics, but everyone should eat them with extreme caution. There is absolutely no health benefit when eating candy, aside from possibly making you think it makes you happier or possibly giving you a sugar rush or boost. According to Ginn-Meadow once again, \u201cThe more sugar you consume in a concentrated amount, the more your blood sugar is affected.\u201d And to make matters worse, sugar has even been likened to an addiction, the more you have it, the more you want it. If you really need to eat some candy, then be sure that you chose the sugar-free versions. Thankfully, there is so much to choose from these days.

11. White Rice And White Pasta<\/h2>\n


Food that\u2019s incredibly high in carbohydrates is white rice, white pasta and other types of refined grains. This also means that they are low in protein and fiber since they are so high in carb content, which is why diabetics are told to avoid these types of food when possible. If you are a pasta lover and can\u2019t imagine cutting any of this out of your diet, Sheth suggests, \u201cInstead, try to enjoy a higher fiber option such as pasta made from beans or lentils, brown rice, and whole grain \/ high fiber bread. If you really enjoy the taste and flavor of white pasta and rice, then be mindful of enjoying appropriate portions and balance it off with a high fiber veggie side dish, and an adequate lean protein to minimize the impact on your blood sugar.\u201d

12. Specialty Coffee Drinks<\/h2>\n


Even if you are a coffee enthusiast, being a diabetic doesn\u2019t mean that you have to give up your daily cup or two. But what does need to be reconsidered is the way you choose to drink your coffee. Having it black is not an issue at all, but opting to add tons of sugar, flavoring, syrup and cream will only mean too much sugar and carb added to your diet as well. Most people don\u2019t realize that all those famous frappuccinos and specialty drinks are loaded with tons of extra sugar and enough carbs to cover your allowed intake for up to two days. Diabetic or not, think twice before ordering one of those extra sweet drinks topped with all that extra whipped cream and syrup. It\u2019s just not worth the calories, or the sugar high.

13. Certain Fresh Fruit<\/h2>\n


People automatically believe that if they are eating fruit, then it\u2019s healthy. Unfortunately, that\u2019s just not the case. Fruit is known for the number of vitamins and nutrients they contain, they can also be incredibly high in sugar content. Many doctors will tell their diabetic patients to lessen their intake of grapes, mangoes, papayas, bananas, melons, watermelons, pomegranate, cherries, and many other fruits. If you want to have some in your diet every day, make sure that you speak to your doctor to find out how many servings you can have per fruit, and how often of course.

14. Dried Fruit<\/h2>\n

The Alternative Daily<\/p><\/div>\n

Again, people think that just because something says \u201cfruit\u201d on it, then it must be low in sugar. And when it comes to dried fruit in particular, the process to make it dried fruit also normally removes anything healthy in the first place. Ginn-Meadow says once more, \u201cDried fruit contains very concentrated amounts of carbs and sugar, so you really have to watch out for your portion sizes.\u201d While it\u2019s normally okay to have a little bit, it\u2019s not the best choice for diabetics to use for snacking. In the end, fresh fruit will still be a better option, for as long as you only eat the allowed serving.

15. Packed Snacks<\/h2>\n

Miles Anthony Smith<\/p><\/div>\n

Aside from all those processed types of sweets like Twinkies, Ding Dongs, Oreos and the like, pretzels, crackers, potato chips and other kinds of packed snacks are not good for you either. All these \u201cpacked snacks\u201d not only have no real nutrients, but they are packed with what\u2019s known as \u2018fast-digesting carbs that can rapidly raise blood sugar.\u2019 While these snacks are quick and easy to find and consume, the amount of carbohydrates that one small bag has is way more than any tiny pack of food should have. You\u2019re better off choosing some packed nuts, plain Greek yogurt or some string cheese instead.

16. Food Condiments<\/h2>\n

Cooking Light<\/p><\/div>\n

More often than not, people don\u2019t realize how much sugar goes into their favorite condiments. Just 2 tablespoons of ketchup has at least 8 grams of sugar, while 2 tablespoons of barbecue sauce is 12 grams! Even some of the most unsuspecting sauces have a crazy amount of sugar in them, like Hoisin sauce, where 2 tablespoons have up to 20 grams of sugar, who would have thought? The next time you want to use any condiment, be sure to double check the label first before dunking anything in them or when possible, look for an alternative. But if you really need to have that sweet pickle relish on your hotdog, be sure to put only the proper serving size and nothing more.

17. Energy Bars<\/h2>\n


Crazy that this particular food item is marketed mostly to those people that are very strict with their diets or for those looking for something to boost their workouts while actually being the least bit healthy. Most of these energy and protein bars contain an incredibly high amount of sugar, and as much as 60 grams of carbohydrates per bar. Of course they can argue that these energy bars are meant to do their job, which is to provide you with energy. But for people that have diabetis, this will just cause their blood sugar levels to rise quickly. A better option is to find something that is Keto-approved, which normally means it will be low in sugar and carb, but with enough energy to get you through your activities.

18. Alcohol<\/h2>\n


Most diabetics are told to refrain from drinking any alcohol precisely because of the way that the liver is affected by it. Alcohol actually inhibits the liver\u2019s ability to make glucose, and it also \u2018doesn\u2019t mix well with certain diabetes medications.\u2019 According to Sheth, \u201cIt is important that you know what your blood sugar is before you drink, and avoid drinking on an empty stomach.\u201d<\/h6>\n
While being diabetic doesn\u2019t meant that you have to give up eating everything on this list, having a guide of what you should try to avoid can make it easier to know what food you can still enjoy. Of course in the end, you should always speak to your doctor in order to make sure that you are following his or her instructions when it comes to your particular case. That way, you can avoid any complications and issues that can arise from this lifelong disease.<\/h6>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

If you are living with diabetes, which is a disease \u2018that causes higher than normal blood sugar levels,\u2019 then you know that particular foods can be problematic for your condition and are considered no-no\u2019s. Many times, people don\u2019t realize how serious diabetes can be and how important a strict and proper diet is for those living with this disease. The reason why certain foods cannot be eaten by diabetics is because they lack the ability to create or react properly to insulin. And when this happens, they cannot digest the food and make it into workable energy, or glucose, so <\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":1,"featured_media":100,"comment_status":"closed","ping_status":"closed","sticky":false,"template":"","format":"standard","meta":[],"categories":[],"tags":[],"yst_prominent_words":[],"_links":{"self":[{"href":"https:\/\/health.awesomejelly.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/117"}],"collection":[{"href":"https:\/\/health.awesomejelly.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts"}],"about":[{"href":"https:\/\/health.awesomejelly.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/types\/post"}],"author":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/health.awesomejelly.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/users\/1"}],"replies":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/health.awesomejelly.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/comments?post=117"}],"version-history":[{"count":0,"href":"https:\/\/health.awesomejelly.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/117\/revisions"}],"wp:featuredmedia":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/health.awesomejelly.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media\/100"}],"wp:attachment":[{"href":"https:\/\/health.awesomejelly.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media?parent=117"}],"wp:term":[{"taxonomy":"category","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/health.awesomejelly.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/categories?post=117"},{"taxonomy":"post_tag","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/health.awesomejelly.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/tags?post=117"},{"taxonomy":"yst_prominent_words","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/health.awesomejelly.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/yst_prominent_words?post=117"}],"curies":[{"name":"wp","href":"https:\/\/api.w.org\/{rel}","templated":true}]}}